
Double eyelids

Excess lid skin

Droopy lids


Prof Chua


Double eyelid surgery in Kuala Lumpur, eyelid surgery in Kuala Lumpur, ptosis in Malaysia.

Droopy eyelid

Droopy eyelid is also known by the medical term ptosis.  It is a common eye condition and can fall into 2 major categories:

  • Congenital ptosis which will have been apparent since birth. Usually it is due to abnormal development of the levator muscle in the eyelid.

  • Acquired ptosis tends to become apparent in later life and can be linked to involutional/ageing changes, lid trauma, eye surgery, neurological or muscular conditions.

This 25 year-old man developed a stye in his upper eyelid 12 months ago. The stye became infected and caused severe upper eyelid swelling. On recovery, the left eye became smaller and failed to improve with time. The cause is due to disinsertion (loosening) of the muscle (levator superioris) that normal opens the eyes.


This 6 year-old girl had had a smaller left eye since birth. The eyelid covered the pupil and can cause lazy eye (amblyopia) as the eye had problems seeing clearly. Early operation is essential to allow the eye to see clearly and prevent lazy eye.



These are carried out by an ophthalmologist and include a full history of the condition; eye examination; visual acuity test; examination of eye movements.
Lid measurements will be taken to accurately measure the degree of lid drooping and amount of muscle function in order that plans can be made for the best mode of treatment. This often involves a surgical operation.



The timing of this can vary. In children if there is no sign of the development of amblyopia (lazy eye), then an operation is often delayed until the age of 3 or 4 years.

In most cases the operation will involve strengthening the levator muscle in the eyelid. In very severe ptosis then surgery involving the muscles above the eyebrow is performed. The latter operation will involve using either foreign material or tissue from a donor site, such as from the leg to form a connection between the muscles in the eyelid and eyebrow. In nearly all cases of ptosis in adults, surgery is performed with a local anaesthetic.

Any skin sutures are normally removed after approximately 2 - 6 weeks depending on the type of operation performed.

After the operation, it is normal for a “pressure dressing” to be left in place for a few hours. This normally consists of eye pads and elastoplast which is firmly applied. This is intended to minimise post-operative swelling and bruising. It is normal for antibiotics, in either drop or ointment form, and lubricating drops to be prescribed for after the operation. As the local anaesthetic starts to wear off, it is quite common for the eyelid to ache. This requires mild painkillers such as paracetamol for relief.


If you like to view the actual operation, please the picture below. (Warning: Actual Surgery Shown).


What to expect

Initially the eyelids are often bruised and swollen. This can take up to 2 - 3 weeks to completely clear up. It is often too early to judge the final outcome immediately after surgery, although every attempt is made to achieve the best cosmetic outcome for each individual.


The following pictures are some patients who had had eyelid surgery to lift the droopy eyelids.


A 72 year-old woman has problem seeing due to severe drooping of the eyelids. The droopy eyelids appeared following cataract surgery and most likely due to loosening of the muscle that lift the eyelids. The right picture was taken one week after the operation.


A 65 year-old man had problem seeing objects due to severe droopy eyelids. He also had to tilt his head backward to see clearly. The right picture was taken immediately after surgery.


A 63 year-old woman always tilted her head to see things due to severe droopy eyelids. This caused neck pain and problem with walking. The right picture was taken one week after the correction.


A 42 year-old man complained that he appeared tired and had problem seeing through his right eye. He had droopy eyelids in both eyes more on the right than left. Surgery was carried out to correct the droopy eyelids and at the same create double eyelids in both eyes. The right picture was taken 4 weeks after the operation.


This 4 year-old had left droopy eyelid since birth. The right picture was taken 6 weeks after lifting the eyelid.


This 61 year-old woman had severe droopy eyelids making it difficult for her to walk about. The right picture was taken 3 weeks after surgery.


This 26 year-old had severe drooping of her right eyelid since birth. The right picture was taken immerdiately after the correction.


This 3 year-old boy was born with droopy left eyelid. The right picture was taken 2 months after eyelid surgery.


This 40 year-old woman had right droopy eyelid for the past 5 years. The right picture was taken 3 weeks after the operation.


This 80 year-old man has problem seeing due to severe eyelid drooping more so on the left than the right. The right picture was taken 3 weeks post-operation.



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