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Double eyelid surgery or Asian blepharoplasty

It is one of the most popular aesthetic surgeries among the Asian population. Most of Asian individuals think that having an additional upper eyelid crease makes the eye more attractive and alert, as well as allows the females to create a more beautiful make-up.

Almost half of Asian men and women are born without an upper crease or with the very low or weak one. The choice of double eyelid surgery differs according to an individual patient. Rarely, patients want eyes that look “Western”. In most cases patients want to have a stable platform of skin above the lashes.


Double eyelid surgery.Before (left) and two weeks postoperative (right).

Technique of double eyelid surgery

Before the operation, I will discuss with you the procedure best suited to your eyes and the healing period. As people's faces differ,   no one technique should be used for all patients.

In most cases, small incisions are made and the excess fat and skin are removed. This procedure gives the best result. However, in young patients without much fat, the double eyelid may be created using sutures alone.

To view the actual surgery, please click the picture below (Warning: Actual Surgery Shown).


After the operation

After double eyelid surgery it is normal for the upper eyelid to become swollen. The use of cold compresses can reduce the swelling. The surgeon will also give anti-inflammatory cream for the skin to reduce the swelling. The swelling usually settles within 10 days. The stitches are removed within a week.


The following pictures were some of patients who have had double eyelid surgery.


This patient had unequal eyelid skin creases. Double eyelid surgery was carried out to make the two eyes appears symmetrical. The right picture was taken 2 weeks after the operation.


Double eyelid surgery on a 40 year-old female. The right picture was taken two weeks post-operation.


Unequal skin creases in a man. Double eyelid surgery was performed on the right eyelid only. The picture on the right was taken 4 weeks after the operation.


A 41 year-old man complained of tired look and desired to make his eyes bigger and more energetic. The right  picture was taken 3 weeks after surgery.


This patient desired higher double eyelids as she had problem applying eye make-up. The right picture was taken 4 weeks after the procedure.


This 20 year-old wanted her eyes appear bigger and more energetic but did not wish her skin creases to be too obvious. The skin creases were created at 6mm. The right picture was taken 6 weeks later.


This 18 year-old girl underwent double eyelid surgery to make her eyes appear bigger. The right picture was taken 4 weeks post-operation.


A middle-aged woman with single eyelid. The right picture was taken 9 days post-double eyelid surgery.


A middle-aged man who always had single eyelid complained that his eyes appear tired and small. Creation of skin creases make the patient more alert. The right picture was taken 3 weeks after the operation.


A young girl with puffy upper eyelid and faint eyelids desired a more prominent skin creases. The skin crease deepened and increased in height. The right picture was taken 3 hours after the operation.


This 48 year-old had had double eyelid surgery elsewhere. Unfortunately, the skin creases were made too high resulting in multifolds. She also had bilateral eyebags. Revisional surgery was perform to remove the redundant folds and at the same time eyebag surgery was performed. The right picture was taken 3 weeks later.


This 30 year-old had had double eyelid surgery two years ago. However, the skin creases were not apparent and the right skin crease appeared higher than the left. Revisional surgery was performed to deepened the skin creases and to make the two sides apear symmetrical. The left picture was at 3 weeks post-surgery.


This patient desired double eyelid surgery which are not too prominent. The right picture was taken 10 days later.


 Visit my blog for more information about double eyelids:

Double eyelids in general:

Is Asian blepharoplasty (double eyelid surgery) similiar to Westernization of the eyelids?
What type of double eyelid do you have?
Do you create double eyelids in males and females differently?

Why do double eyelids make their eyes bigger?

Why do double eyelids make the eyes bigger: Part I
Why do double eyelids make the eyes bigger: Part II
Why do double eyelids make the eyes bigger: Part III


Techniques of double eyelid surgery

The joys and pitfalls of suture techniques for double eyelids - Patient suitability
Recovery rate for incision versus suture techniques
Suture techniques for double eyelid surgery
DST suture technique
Full length double eyelid surgery for puffy eyelids
Small incision double eyelid surgery

Complications of double eyelid surgery

Case 1: Doctor, Why Are My Double Eyelids Unequal?
Case 2: Doctor, Why Are My Double Eyelids Unequal?
Case 3: Doctor, Why Are My Double Eyelids Unequal?
Case 4: Doctor, Why Are My Double Eyelids Unequal?
Case 5: Doctor, Why Are My Double Eyelids Unequal?
Case 6: Doctor, Why Are My Double Eyelids Unequal?

Case 7: Doctor, Why Are My Double Eyelids Unequal?


Copyright © 2013 Designed by Prof Dr Chua Chung Nen

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Double eyelid surgery in Kuala Lumpur, Double eyelid surgery in Malaysia. What you need to know about eyelid surgery in Malaysia.

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